D3 - Austin - 公共项目现场
29th 十二月 2020, Temp light
Need to tie this temp lights PDI
30th 九月 2017, Silica plans required for all projects
Please submit your silica plan for work on each project, template/ example attached.
附件 :
Silica Expsoure Control Plan template - in progress.pdf
16th 八月 2017, OSHA’s Crystalline Silica Rule: Construction
OSHA is issuing two standards to protect workers from exposure to respirable crystalline silica—one for construction, and the other for general industry and maritime—in order to allow employers to tailor solutions to the specific conditions in their workplaces. DPR projects will fully adhere to the crystalline silica rule.
附件 :
OSHA3681 Silica.pdf
最近更新: 15:07
温度: 8C
风速: 23KMH
最大 风: 23KMH @15:07
最低温度: 0C @8:08
最高温度: 9C @14:08
阵风: 51KMH
最大风力: 51KMH @15:07
观测信息来自 - Open Weather API
观测位置 - Austin、IN
时区 - 北美中部标准时间
观测位置 - Austin、IN
时区 - 北美中部标准时间
预测 - 星期二、28 一月
few clouds
最低: -1C 最大: 6C
预测信息来自 - Open Weather API
预测位置 - Austin、IN
时区 - 北美中部标准时间
预测位置 - Austin、IN
时区 - 北美中部标准时间
明天 - 星期三, 29 一月
sky is clear
最低: 0C 最大: 7C